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July Weblog

July 25, 2003

The U.S. Section 508 Working Group will (finally) survey all agencies in the executive branch for Section 508 compliance. Perhaps after this, they'll finally extend Section 508 to cover the legislative branch (which includes Congress). The article to which I link has this great line that sums up my attitude towards Web accessibility:

Web sites are updated so frequently that accessibility should be an integral part of site design rather than a periodic tweak, said Ali Qureshi, Web systems branch manager for House Information Resources.

July 11, 2003

Please pardon the hiatus in site updates. I've been ill and am slowly recovering. I will attempt to catch up and post news as regularly as my condition permits.

First, the big news is that the National Council on Disability (NCD) announced that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to commercial and other private Web sites. NCD's statement is based upon a policy paper they released that analyzes the legal background and implications of the ADA's applicability to private sector Web sites.

Patrick Lauke at pointed out other important news I missed. The RNIB is bringing to court the UK's first case against an inaccessible private sector site. It's too early for details, but it should prove interesting to watch how this case develops!

Lasting link for 07-11-03