It feels good to get back to this site. Recent events came between me and updating it. The good news is that I was accepted to the part time MBA program at the University of Kansas. I'm moving to a suburb of Kansas City. I'm also unemployed. If you know of any full-time positions or contract leads for a usability/accessibility focused Web interface designer, I'd be grateful if you could pass them my way: <anitra at anitrapavka dot com>. Please check out my updated resume for more details about my skill set.
I have new plans for this site. While Web accessibility will be highlighted, I will also focus on ways to convince businesses to integrate Web usability and accessibility into their development process and products. That will be just the start of the changes to come...
While I was out, the Guild of Accessible Web Designers (GAWDS) officially launched their site. They're "calling upon Web designers to embrace accessibility as the cornerstone and guiding principle of their profession". Amen!