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April 2004
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April Weblog

April 14, 2004

Learning to Let Go is a site that hosts a PHP script that allows users to customize the layout and look of a site. On first glance, I like several things about it, most notably:

My minor gripes are:

The big question for me is, how many people would use this script if it was on a site? Based on my experience, I've found that only a small percentage of users customize pages, and those who do probably already know how to adjust font sizes, background colors, etc., using their browser. Despite that concern, this script is definitely worth trying. I applaud the creator, Chris Heilmann, and the other contributors for their efforts to improve the Web experience for all people.

April 9, 2004

The eminent accessibility author and afficionado, Joe Clark, wrote an article entitled, High Accessibility, High Design: CSS to the rescue. Joe discussed ways in which CSS improves Web accessibility. I thought it was light on actual CSS techniques, but heavy on accessibility. It was an informative, worthy read.

April 2, 2004

The article, Seeing-Eye Computer Guides Blind, discusses some amazing new technology being developed for visually impaired individuals. My favorite is Tyflos, (which means "blind" in Greek). It's a portable system that includes a camera, headset, and microphone. It verbally describe to the user what the camera sees. It will "help blind people read books, access Web pages, recognize faces and navigate unfamiliar rooms." I'd love to get my hands on one after they're done testing and perfecting it. I imagine myself using it in combination with an automatic page turning device to read books to me while I sleep. It would quadruple my available reading time. I'm not sure how much information I would retain, but it would be awesome if I could wake up in the morning with the solution to a problem or a new understanding of a subject. What a way to start the day! Accessible technology rocks.